Having an Attitude of Adventure

A lot of people have said how inspired they are by how I’ve been coping with all of this. I love when people say this, because my whole attitude in dealing with this came from knowing Andrew. And that means that he is still inspiring many.

Every day was an adventure for us. A lot of my friends and family has said that we did more in 3 years than most people do their whole lives. I dunno about that, but I do know we enjoyed living life in the present. We had many great adventures… skydiving, hot air ballooning, flying, parasailing, road tripping, and much more. Even a night watching movies and drinking wine was an adventure for us though, as we tried to have an attitude of adventure in everything we did. Whenever something new and scary came up – he would remind me that no matter what happened, it was going to be a grand adventure. I love that he instilled this in me, because it’s now become a part of me that helps me through each day.

When he left for Washington, and we knew we would not see each other for several months, we cried very few tears. Instead, we decided it was to be an adventure in learning how to find new creative ways to still feel close when so far away. This replaced fear of being without each other with excitement of deepening our relationship and ourselves as individuals. I was going to have time to pursue my own dreams and adventures while he was off flying… and he would not have wanted it any other way. He wanted the world for me, and he would never stand for anything less. For me to be sitting home alone missing him and miserable was just NOT acceptable. I loved this about him.

Incredibly enough, it is his very presence that keeps me going without him here. His presence is with me each day – pushing me towards my dreams, challenging me to find adventure and joy wherever I can. Encouraging me to take chances I never would have dreamed of taking before. Letting go of age-old fears and trusting things to work out. He does not want me to be miserable, and at times I can just feel him saying to get up and get going with my day. He wants me to take life by the reigns and see me live each day with as much passion as I can – the way he did, and the way we did together.

He wants that for everyone in his life. I know this because he told many friends to go live their dreams or fight for them, and many others he probably never told face-to-face but wished it for them. He wanted all of us to find and follow our passions. I encourage everyone reading here to embrace an attitude of adventure about life every day. No matter what comes your way, each day always holds a grand adventure within it if we choose to see with new eyes. I cannot imagine a better way to honor him than to do so.


I’ve had some people email me privately since I began this blog to share how this story has affected their life and lead them to make beautiful, adventurous changes. I would love to hear of any adventures that our story might lead you on – no matter how big or small.
Please share it in a comment, or email me at sarahtreanor[at]gmail[dot]com if you’d like to share it in private.

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